Get ready to fight the flu Season
This year, my mom caught a really vicious strain of the flu. She’s starting to recover, but asked me for my advice to help get better more quickly.
I sent her an email with my thoughts, and then realized it would probably be helpful to some of you, too!
So I’m sharing what I told her – in exchange, please send my mom your positive thoughts so that she heals quickly 🙂
Strategies to fight the flu and colds naturally:
- Avoid anything with refined sugar, it drains your immune system
- Boost your immune system with foods and supplements containing vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc
- Try herbal immune boosters, like elderberry, echinacea and astragalus
- Get a protein boost to support your immune recovery
- For sore throats try ginger and lemon water
- If you can’t eat solid food, try to get nutrients from smoothies and pureed soups (add some sunflower seed butter to this butternut squash soup for creaminess and zinc)
- If antibiotics are taken, counter with a probiotics to replenish gut flora balance
- Get electrolytes if dehydrated from coconut water or tablets, like nuun
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Have you been overcome with the flu this season? If so, I hope this helps! Or keep it on hand for next cold/flu season…
It can also help to do a short cleanse. For an immune boost I usually an alkalizing and mineral-rich veggie cleanse to lighten things up while still getting all the nutrients and fiber your body needs to function and purge any toxins that need to be released.
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