We all have bad days now and then. A great way to feel better is to connect with people who give you a boost, share your values or can sympathize with your problems.
When I feel down, there are a bunch of things that can make me feel better. Last night, a little bit of banana-raspberry-sprout ice cream and a skating practice did the trick.
Going for a walk helps clear my head, chatting with Phil or a friend can cheer me up and I always love hearing from you guys about the successes you’ve had with your healthy eating plan, or the fun meals you’ve made.
Honestly, reading your comments and emails is one of the best parts of my day. Connecting with people who share your values and interests can make such a huge difference in your mood and your motivation to stick to whatever healthy eating plan you’re into.
I love sharing my meals and stories with you guys, but I thought it was about time I shared some of your stories so that we can all learn and get motivated by each other. I posted the first one yesterday, and if you want to send in your meal, picnic, or whatever fun time you’ve had with healthy eating share it with us 🙂
What do you do to boost your mood? Let me know below.
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