Everything You Want To Know About Pressure Cooking! Live Q&A with JL Fields

Everything You Want To Know About Pressure Cooking! Live Q&A with JL Fields
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

I am SO excited to finally be hosting a live q&a with JL Fields!

See, I bought a pressure cooker a few months ago because I was sick of buying canned beans, but I didn’t want to use up a couple hours worth of gas or electricity cooking them on the stove.

Unfortunately, I had a few mishaps in trying it out and lost motivation. I know that JL is a pro with her pressure cooker (literally, she just published a book called Vegan Pressure Cooking) so I wanted to ask her for some tips.

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So I made a list of my questions, and I gathered questions from my readers and viewers (you!) and planned to have her on for a live q&a. Unfortunately, I had a family emergency interrupt us, so we postponed.

Well, we finally managed to reschedule amongst JL’s book tour and we’re going to be on live tomorrow!!!

That’s Tuesday, March 3rd at 2pm Eastern Time – just come back here to tune in!

Some of the questions I’ll be asking:

Win a copy of Vegan Pressure Cooking, by JL Fields!

  1. What is the best size/brand of pressure cooker to buy for an absolute newbie?
  2. What foods do you cook in your pressure cooker? What is your favorite pressure cooker meal?
  3. Can brown rice be pressure cooked without it being sticky/soggy?
  4. Are these new electric pressure cookers worth the expense of having a new appliance, or is the “craze” mostly advertising and hype?
  5. Is it possible to make desserts in it as well?

In the mean time, check out her site, where she posts amazing recipes and the ever-popular weekly Vegan News You Can Use at JL Goes Vegan. She also offers vegan lifestyle coaching which I think is pretty cool!

JL may be spotted travelling around the US, pressure cooker in hand, for cooking demos, book signings and general vegan awesomeness. She is also the co-author of Vegan For Her, with Ginny Messina (aka The Vegan RD).

I’m also happy to say that 1 of you lucky people will win a copy of her newest book, Vegan Pressure Cooking! Enter below for your chance to win!

You can enter by leaving a comment, liking us on facebook, and tweeting a message (you can tweet every day for more entries!)

Contest closes Monday March 9th at midnight – winner will be drawn at random from all entries.

Note: The giveaway is for a print copy of the book, and open to residents of the US and Canada only, as per shipping guidelines.

The book will be shipped from the publisher when we receive your shipping address. Must be in the US or Canada.

Based on JL’s instagram feed, I know that this book will be jam-packed with amazing meal ideas that you can make in minutes!

Good luck!!!


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