How To Make Gingerbread House Icing

How To Make Gingerbread House Icing
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

If you’re wondering how to make gingerbread house icing, I made a really good batch this year! Plus I put together a really fun gingerbread scene, if I do say so myself.

I make a coconut oil-based gingerbread recipe for house-making, and I just measured the sizes I wanted for the walls and roof of my 2 cabins, and shaped some logs to build an outhouse and for putting around the fire pit.

How to Make Gingerbread House Icing

Prep time:
Makes more than enough for 2 cabins and an outhouse.

The skating pond is my favorite part, with a clay skating figure I made and attached to a magnet so that she can skate around the pond. The magnetic setup was a brilliant idea from a friend, and I plan to keep the skater for use in future years 🙂

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The snow is shredded coconut, somewhat ground up, and the trees are trimmings from our Christmas tree, a hedge and a flower of some kind.

I wanted to have some kind of fun to make the house unveiling a bit of an event, rather than just ‘Here it is! Eat away.’

You’ll have to watch the video to see what I came up with, and hear the musical accompaniment from Phil’s parents.

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