Healthy Eating Plan – 7 Free Secrets For Success

Healthy Eating Plan – 7 Free Secrets For Success
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

“7 vital lessons from a nutritionist to help
you boost your energy and increase
weight loss on a new healthy eating plan”

Hi, my name is Heather. I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. And I have a free gift for you! You can get it at the bottom of this page.

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You can fill out the form here, or read on below.

Sign up for your FREE lessons now. “It’s like having a friend there to say ‘you can do it, keep staying strong!'” Ruthie, Minnesota

First, I will send you 7 lessons that cover what I think are some of the most important things to remember when you’re embarking on a healthy eating plan or healthy diet plan. Healthy eating recipes come with each lesson. In the lessons, I cover:

  • How to boost your energy with the right foods
  • What we can learn from looking at a vegetarian/vegan diet plan
  • The secret to weight loss, with the most important shift to make
  • Why people don’t like vegetables, and what to do about it
  • Which oils to use for optimal health and how to use them
  • How to cook for maximum nutrition
  • How to make food taste great and still be healthy

Then I’ll send you some videos that give a nice overview of how to be successful on a healthy eating plan. I cover:

  • The healthy foods to eat (that even the best diet plans ignore)
  • The unhealthy foods everyone should avoid when on a healthy diet
  • Some simple exercise tips to help you shape up
  • The supplements everyone should take with your healthy eating plan
  • And then how to determine what’s right specifically for your body

To get FREE access to these 7 vital lessons and 5 bonus videos, enter your info in the box below.

The lessons are essential for anyone interested in a healthy balanced diet, for people who are passionate about learning more about how to succeed on a healthy eating plan. If that is you, I am super excited that you are going to join me on this journey!


Sign up for your FREE lessons now. “It makes me realize I can really do this and bring my life back in order.” Linda, Nevada


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