I had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn about his work helping people prevent and reverse heart disease through lifestyle changes.
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Key Points
- Basics of Dr. Esselstyn’s recommendations: no animal protein, no oil (nuts and avocado in small portions), no sugars (even natural ones like maple syrup, molasses or honey), no fruit juices/smoothies. If it seems extreme, consider the typical western diet that guarantees that we’ll have an epidemic of heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, stroke and other chronic killing diseases.
- Whole food plant-based nutrition is Dr. Esselstyn’s recommendation for heart disease, but is also helps the body heal overall so it can have an impact on all different kinds of health issues (obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, diverticulitis, allergies, etc).
- When a person is empowered by understanding the cause of their health issue, and can be in control of the changes that will prevent and reverse heart disease (or other diseases), they rejoice and have no trouble following even the strictest lifestyle recommendations.